264B Poster - 02. Immunity and the microbiome
Friday April 08, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Influence of Lab Manipulated Fermented Fruit and Maternally Inherited Microbiota on Metabolic Phenotype

Oluwatobi Fijabi 1; Graham Jones 1; Derek Maas 1; Andrei Bombin 2; Laura Reed 1

1) University of Alabama; 2) Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

m. microbiome; o. genotype-by-environment interaction

The infectious and pandemic nature of obesity is known to have a multifaceted root cause and must be addressed in a multivariate manner. Recent efforts have implicated the gut microbiome to be correlated with obesity-related phenotypes in Drosophila. Our previous research explored the influence of the natural microbiota of rotten peach fruit consumed by Drosophila in the wild in comparison to the conventional corn-based lab diet. In this present study, we are particularly interested in peach (P) and strawberry (S) diets because of the presence of health-enhancing phytochemicals, dietary fibers, and unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, we investigated the influence of microbiota in shaping obesity-related phenotypes in Drosophila by testing the influence of genotype, maternal, and dietary microbiota in rotten P and S diets in shaping life history and metabolic traits. Organic P and S fruits were naturally fermented for six days and assessed for microbial and phytochemical composition through 16SrRNA sequencing and GC-LS/MS, respectively. We sterilized embryos with hypochlorite and ethanol to eliminate maternal bacteria on the chorion before larval emergence and treated the fermented P and S diets with autoclaving and antibiotics. Autoclaving is a thermal and pressure treatment that transforms and denatures nutrients but eliminates all microbes present. Conversely, the antibiotics eliminate 99% of microbes without heat application, keeping the nutritional integrity of the food. Hence, we adopted a novel strategy of rearing larvae of three DGRP lines on the naturally fermented P and S diets simulating the wild environment and on autoclaved and antibiotic P and S diets, giving us insight into the interactions between these treatments and our measured phenotypes. We anticipate that our results will reveal similar microbial compositions in P and S diets in beta diversity and major taxa. We also predict that larvae raised on P and S diets will have significantly higher survival, weight, triglyceride, and faster developmental time which are obesity-related phenotypes compared to the autoclaved and antibiotic P and S diets. In sum, we expect to see significant interactive effects between diet, parental microbiome and fly genotype in shaping metabolic phenotypes of larvae