701A Poster - 11. Cell division and cell growth
Thursday April 07, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Understanding the role of Matrimony in suppressing the drive of the B chromosomes

Kaylah Samuelson; Stacey Hanlon

Affiliation: Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

b. meiosis; c. meiosis

The genome is constantly under attack by selfish genetic elements that bias their transmission to the next generation. A classic type of selfish element B chromosomes - supernumerary, nonessential chromosomes that can be detrimental to their host- were recently discovered in a single laboratory stock of D. melanogaster that carries a null mutation in matrimony (mtrm126) held over a third chromosome balancer (TM3, Sb Ser). This combination allows the B chromosomes to be transmitted through female meiosis at a higher-than-expected frequency, a phenomenon referred to as meiotic drive. Though it is clear that having only one functional copy of mtrm is necessary but not sufficient for this drive, the mechanism by which a reduction in Mtrm protein leads to drive of the B chromosomes is unknown. Mtrm has a critical function during female meiosis where it regulates Polo kinase (Polo) to promote centromeric cohesion of achiasmate (non-crossover) chromosomes and ensure their proper segregation during the meiotic divisions. This regulation requires Mtrm to bind to Polo through a highly conserved ST/P domain on Mtrm. One residue, T40, is particularly important for this interaction, as expression of a transgenic copy of Mtrm that has single amino acid change at that position (mtrmT40A) is unable to rescue defects in the segregation of achiasmate chromosomes in a mtrm126 heterozygote. Since Mtrm’s interaction with Polo is necessary to promote the proper segregation of achiasmate chromosomes, I hypothesize that this interaction may also be essential for Mtrm’s ability to suppress the drive of the B chromosomes. To address this hypothesis, we will compare B chromosome transmission frequencies in a drive-competent (mtrm126/TM3, Sb Ser) genetic background both in the presence and absence of Mtrm transgenes that affect Mtrm’s ability to bind Polo (e.g., mtrmT40A). Our investigation will determine if Mtrm’s interaction with Polo is critical for the suppression of B chromosome meiotic drive, indicating that Mtrm’s role in drive suppression and achiasmate chromosome segregation may be mechanistically similar. If the Mtrm-Polo interaction is not required for suppressing B chromosome meiotic drive, this result would lead us to test the necessity of other conserved Mtrm domains in its role as a drive suppressor. Overall, our work is uncovering the genetic mechanisms behind how the host genome protects itself against the proliferation of selfish genetic elements.