281W Poster - Population Genetics
Wednesday June 08, 9:15 PM - 10:00 PM
SLiM 4: Multispecies eco-evolutionary modeling
Authors: Benjamin Haller; Philipp Messer
Affiliation: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Keywords: Theory & Method Development
SLiM, a free open-source software framework for forward genetic simulation, is widely used because of its power, flexibility, and speed. Version 2.0, released in 2016, added the Eidos scripting language, the SLiMgui interactive modeling environment, and many other new features. Version 3.0, released in 2018, added support for non-Wright-Fisher models and tree-sequence recording. We are now at version 3.7, and there's a lot of new stuff to talk about since 3.0! This poster will present some of the major advances since version 3.0, including: (1) Nucleotide-based models including sequence-dependent mutation rates, biased gene conversion, and more; (2) The addRecombinant() method and other improvements for simulating different mating systems, from clonal bacteria to haplodiploids to alternation of generations; (3) mutation() callbacks, for influencing the generation of new mutations; (4) survival() callbacks, for influencing mortality (and migration); (5) New Eidos features including the Image, Dictionary, DataFrame, and LogFile classes, and lots of new utility functions; (6) The new cross-platform SLiMgui for macOS, Linux, and Windows, with some exciting new features; (7) Lots of new example "recipes" in the manual; and (8) A new free online SLiM workshop that will teach you how to use SLiM, SLiMgui, and Eidos from the ground up! We will also foreshadow some of our plans for version 4 of SLiM.